Fever in children are so common that nearly two-thirds of all children see a medical practitioner for a fever-related illness in the first two years of life this is the most cause for most of the visits to primary care offices .  This fear often can lead to unnecessary hospital or office visits, tests and treatment. A fever is usually caused by infections from viruses (such as a cold or the flu) or bacteria (such as strep throat or some ear infections). The fever itself is not the disease, only a sign that the body’s defenses are trying to fight an infection.  Everyone has his or her own internal “thermostat” that regulates body temperature, and normal body temperature is around 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit plus or minus about one degree. When the body detects an infection or other illness, the brain responds by raising the body temperature to help fight the condition.  Any rectal temperature over 100.4 or orally 101.4 is generally considered a fever.

Although not every fever needs to be treated, there are some things you can do to help make your child more comfortable. Giving a child acetaminophen or ibuprofen will usually reduce a fever. A fever will also cause a child to lose fluids more quickly, so offer your baby plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration. Signs of dehydration include crying without tears, a dry mouth, and fewer wet diapers. When to call the office for an appointment:

Here are some guidelines for taking medicine to lower a fever:

Sometimes practitioners advise you to use both types of medicine.

doctor and kid

Source Fever and Your Child (Copyright © 2007 American Academy of Pediatrics, updated 5/2012)