Does an “apple a day” really keep the doctor away?

It’s definitely one part of that goal.  Eating right and getting regular exercise are very important to being healthy.  The Alliance for a Healthier Generation reports that only one in three children is physically active each day, and only 20% of the high school students in the country report eating five servings of fruits and veggies each day.  […]

Sports injuries

Your kids are excited about the start of sports season.  Injuries may occur, some of which could be prevented.  Head over to the National Institutes of Health for more information and also ask your doctor.

August is National Immunization Awareness Month!

Your kids have gone back to school, and should be up to date on their shots…but have you thought about getting the flu shot?  Modern medicine has prevented many dangerous illnesses.  Head over to to find out more, or talk with your doctor.  Even if you don’t agree with all vaccines, it is important to […]