June is National Safety Month. According to Injury Facts 2016- 136,053 people died from unintentional-injury-related deaths in 2014. We will address the top three causes of unintentional injury or death. Often tragedy happens during vacation, working at home or while driving across town. Here in order are the top three causes of unintentional injury and death.
1. Poisoning – In 2011 Poisoning became ranked higher than motor vehicle crashes for the first time as the leading cause of unintentional-injury-related death for all ages. Poisoning can be caused by gases, chemicals, and/or other substances, but by far the leading cause is prescription drug overdose. Today, 52 people will die from prescription opioid overdoses. Don’t become a statistic, reach for safer medicine.
2. Motor Vehicle Crashes – Impaired driving, distracted driving, speeding, and driver inexperience can cause crashes and deaths. The roads belong to us all – let’s make choices to be. Be distraction-free, avoid impairment, and check your speed!
3. Falls – In 2013 more than 29,000 people died from falls. Though falls are the third leading cause of unintentional-injury- related deaths for all ages, it is the #1 cause of death for those 71 years of age and older ( according to Injury Facts 2015). Heads up – don’t get tripped up! Keep an eye out for hazards.
Below is a suggested list of items to include in your personal First Aid kits. It is wise to be educated in
The National Safety Council suggests common first aid kits should contain the following:
- Gauze pads ( at least 4 by 4 inches)
- Two large gauze pads ( at least 8- 10 inches)
- A box of adhesive bandages
- One gauze roller bandage
- Two triangular bandages
- Wound cleaning agent
- Scissors
- At least one blanket
- Tweezers
- Adhesive tape
- Latex gloves ( unless allergy to Latex)
- Resuscitation equipment ( resuscitation airway, or pocket mask)
- Two elastic wraps
- A splint
- Directions for requesting emergency assistance